2017年新春系列游园展览活动丁酉年元月,我与Betty Art Studio共同参加了一系列康州华人新春活动。其中既有作品展示,又有现场互动绘画教学,还参加了当地武术学校的周年庆活动。广交朋友,交流进步一直是我所喜欢和追求的。很荣幸在一次活动中再次遇到了同样居住在康州的李昌钰博士,并与他合影留念。...
Exhibition on CAHAI Mid-Autumn FestivalAs an artist of Betty Art Studio, Jeff participated the Mid-Autumn Festival hold by American Chinese Heritage Association (CAHAI) and...
2016 Autumn Chinese Brush Paintng Workshop 金秋山水国画讲习班贾克先生于9月24日举办“金秋山水国画讲习班”,与喜爱国画的朋友互相交流,并做了现场演示。 Jeff hold an Autumn Chinese Brush Painting Workshop on Sep 24. He introduced several...
Gorgeous Chinese painting 炫彩国画:突破传统国画色彩使用的新尝试As we known, there are several primary colors used in almost all traditional Chinese painting works. Black is a must; brown, dark blue or...
Hand painting – Adult’s Finger paint 不用画笔:手指手掌亦能勾勒渲染My grandson likes to do finger paint, I joined him once and there was so much fun. So these days I tried to use my hands only to make...